You might be aware of the fact that the best way to convey anything is through written communication. Specifically when it comes to dealing with professional and personal matters. You can make wonders if you succeed to influence the reader no matter who ever it is. Many of us had already gone through rigorous practice of Essay and Letter writing at school level but we often ignore and do not implement what we learned. In fact you can notice a significant difference and better results when you use this means of communication when compared to others ways. The impact should be perfect and deep enough to get things done for you. To make this possible all you need to do is just keep these things in your mind next time you come across such a need.
See that you proceed by initially considering these parameters,
Purpose - Context or Why are you writing this letter ?
Expected result - Aim you want to achieve through this letter.
Motive that made you write a letter - Why did you wanted to write a letter instead of contacting directly ?
Who is the Reader - Either he is your Boss or Superior or Professor or Officer or Customer.
These things greatly affect your way of writing since they keep running through in your mind during the process. As a result you can expect a much refined output.
Tips that will make things drive your way while writing letter or mails,
1. When you are writing letters for your professional needs like an application for an interview or Statement of Purpose (SOP) for admission into a school or College, Request for an Appointment or a deal or a negotiation see that your are not emotional.
2. Reader must be convinced with your position which will be easier if you mention any facts. For instance, mention your achievements while you are writing an SOP.
3. It is always a strong point to provide facts and figures for any kind of letter writing purposes.
4. Stick to the layout of having a brief To note, Subject, Body, final paragraph and in the end regards like Yours Faithfully which would be more general than being experimental.
5. Use implications like try to convey your need indirectly then come to the point.
However the use of words depends on the intensity of the need and purpose. But try to keep things simple, clear and precise instead of going around the matter. The letter must never be wordy filled with plenty paragraphs since it annoys the reader and which might give negative results. So if you stick to these rules you will have greater scope of success mainly if you want to write a leave letter, SOP, Expression Of Interest, a Job application, Request for any appointment or even a business letter.